Control States Spirits Sales Fell in Volume and Dollars in April
Here is yet another indication that inflation is having a direct impact on the bev/al industry: Total Control States spirits sales for April declined by 3.5% in volume and 1.5% in dollar volume, National Alcoholic Beverage Control Association reports. For the 12 months ended in April, volume eased 0.6% but dollar sales were up 2.2%.
Cocktails, driven by Canned RTDs (+47.7% 9L volume), continue to dominate the category growth of +17.2% 9L volume. Tequila was the only other positive category at +2.7% 9L volume. Brandy/Cognac posted the largest decline of the major categories at -14.9% 9L and -18.6% in dollar volume driven by Cognac at -23.1% 9L and -22.0% dollar volume.
Wines declined 5.3% in 9L Volume and 3.3% in dollar volume returning to a positive price mix of +2% . Rolling 12-month 9L volume was down 4.1% with dollar volume at down 0.3%. The six table wine states all posted negative 9L volume with only New Hampshire posting a positive dollar volume result at +0.6%.
The On-Premise spirits channel was down 4.6% for April and also posted a negative dollar volume result at -0.2%. Only Vermont posted positive volume results. Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Utah and Vermont posted positive dollar volume results. Idaho posted the largest price mix growth – up 8.5%. The On-Premise wine channel was down 5.4% 9L volume but remained positive in dollar volume at +1.3% resulting in a +6.7% price mix.
Full details by state are available at