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Control States Spirits Sales Fell in Volume and Dollars in April

Here is yet another indication that inflation is having a direct impact on the bev/al industry:  Total Control States spirits sales for April declined by 3.5% in volume and 1.5% in dollar volume, National Alcoholic Beverage Control Association reports.  For the 12 months ended in April, volume

Joel Whitaker profile image
by Joel Whitaker

Here is yet another indication that inflation is having a direct impact on the bev/al industry:  Total Control States spirits sales for April declined by 3.5% in volume and 1.5% in dollar volume, National Alcoholic Beverage Control Association reports.  For the 12 months ended in April, volume eased 0.6% but dollar sales were up 2.2%.

Cocktails, driven by Canned RTDs (+47.7% 9L volume), continue to dominate the category growth of +17.2% 9L volume. Tequila was the only other positive category at +2.7% 9L volume. Brandy/Cognac posted the largest decline of the major categories at -14.9% 9L and -18.6% in dollar volume driven by Cognac at -23.1% 9L and -22.0% dollar volume.

Wines declined 5.3% in 9L Volume and 3.3% in dollar volume returning to a positive price mix of +2% . Rolling 12-month 9L volume was down 4.1% with dollar volume at down 0.3%. The six table wine states all posted negative 9L volume with only New Hampshire posting a positive dollar volume result at +0.6%.

The On-Premise spirits channel was down 4.6% for April and also posted a negative dollar volume result at -0.2%. Only Vermont posted positive volume results. Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Utah and Vermont posted positive dollar volume results. Idaho posted the largest price mix growth – up 8.5%. The On-Premise wine channel was down 5.4% 9L volume but remained positive in dollar volume at +1.3% resulting in a +6.7% price mix.

Full details by state are available at

Joel Whitaker profile image
by Joel Whitaker

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