Glenfiddich Releases Rare 50 Year Old Single Malt

Aged for five decades at the brand's family owned-and-operated distillery, Glenfiddich 50-Year-Old has a price tag of $50,000 and is part of the new Time Re:Imaginged Collection.  Only 220 bottles are available.

Also in the collection:  Glenfiddich’s 30-Year-Old ($1,299) and 40-Year-Old ($4,600).  

“In whisky production, we often talk about the role of Malt Masters, and it is our responsibility to find the delicate balance between the taste of the whisky and the intensity of the oak cask,” says Brian Kinsman, Malt Master. “But we don’t always acknowledge how each cask, each bottle, is absolutely unique because of the time it has spent maturing. Both nature and time play huge roles in making whisky taste like it does, and Glenfiddich’s Time Re:Imaginedpays homage to this process and the exquisite liquid both time helps to create.”

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