Help a Reporter Track Musk, Medicaid and Social Security

A public service announcement: President Trump is continuing to have an outsize impact on the U.S. Government and American life and several major journalistic organizations are actively trying to follow it, a task made much more difficult because the Trumpers are not announcing things they should be announcing, such as what Musk is attempting to do (or is actually doing) to Medicaid and Social Security.

One such reporter is Ron Lieber, the "Your Money" columnist for The New York Times. "I’m curious to hear your stories about Medicaid. Perhaps an aging parent has qualified to have the program pay for care — or you’re intending to spend down your assets to become eligible yourself. Or maybe you have a disabled adult child using the program, or a young adult in your life who earns little and uses Medicaid for health insurance.

If you have something to share, please write to There is no obligation to go on the record for an article, though I might ask you to at some point.

We’re also continuing to follow how Elon Musk’s cost-cutting team may be affecting Social Security. If you work for the agency, or you collect benefits and have an experience you would like to share, please email Tara:

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