Sazerac Moves Portfolio from RNDC in 16 Markets
The transitions are expected to be complete by Feb. 1. Here's the new distributor lineup:
Breakthru Beverage – Florida, Arizona, South Carolina, Maryland and Washington DC
Johnson Brothers – Indiana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, control state brokerage in Alabama, Mississippi and West Virginia
Reyes – California, Hawaii and counties in Texas
Kentucky Eagle – Kentucky
Southern Glazers Wine & Spirits – Alaska
Martignetti Cos. – Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire
Louisiana – Crescent Crown, Choice Brands / Venture Marketing, Eagle Beverage
Oklahoma – LDF, Capital Distributing, Fisher 59
Texas – Andrews Distributing, Reyes, Houston Distributing Company, Faust Distributing, Favorite Brands, Keg 1, L&F Distributors, Reed Beverage, GG Distributing, Giglio Distributing, Fisher 59
Control States – Sazerac will also set up its own brokerage operations in the following control states: North Carolina, Virginia, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming and Montgomery County, MD