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September Champagne Sales Drop 21.2%; Working Conditions Scandal Cited

Septembere sales in champagne have falle n 21.2% from a year earlier after the public learned that two people died while picking grapes and a prosecutor opened two cases of human trafficking over working conditions. The Champagne Committee issued a press release addressing the harvest problems. In short, the

Joel Whitaker profile image
by Joel Whitaker

Septembere sales in champagne have falle n 21.2% from a year earlier after the public learned that two people died while picking grapes and a prosecutor opened two cases of human trafficking over working conditions.

The Champagne Committee issued a press release addressing the harvest problems. In short, the CIVC reiterated its "commitment to work with government agencies and worker unions to improve working conditions of harvesters and avoid future picker abuse."

The released repeatedly mentioned four areas requiring "concrete actions." But the only concrete actions taken so far is creation of the workgroup, as on all four points the CIVC is hamstrung by French law.

Joel Whitaker profile image
by Joel Whitaker

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