Spirits Volume Declines Again in Control States

Total Control States spirits sales 9 liter volume decreased by 5.8% from September a year earlier and 3.5% in dollar volume, resulting in a positive 2.3% price mix. 

With the significant decreases across most states, all spirit categories were negative with the exception of Cocktails +14.3%, driven by Canned Cocktails +30%, and Tequila +3.3%.

Wines declined at -6.2% in 9L Volume down 4.6% in dollar volume returning a positive price mix +1.6%.  Rolling 12-month 9L volume was -3% with dollar volume at +1.5% resulting in a +4.5% price mix.

The On-Premise spirits channel was -5.6% in June with -3.1% growth in dollar volume resulting in a +2.5% price mix. Pennsylvania +8.7% in 9L volume reflects the additional selling days.  The On-Premise wine channel was -4.4% 9 liter volume with dollar volume at +1.5% and +5.9% price mix.

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