Direct Shipping
A collection of 16 issues
Wine Retailers Identifies Roadblocks to Interstate Shipping
Family Jones Distillery Launches Direct-to-Consumer Distribution
Miss. House OKs Direct Bev/Al Shipments to Consumers
The Mississippi House approved, 92-21, and sent to the Senate a bill to allow direct sales and shipments of alcoholic beverages to Mississippi consumers as long as those products aren't available in the state.
Shipping Bill of Rights Backed by 20 Producers and Their Assns.
Catoctin Creek Opens Online Store
New Wisconsin Law Seen Hindering Small Producers, Common Carriers
Gov. Tony Evers (D) signed a bill creating a new liquor division within the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. Among other things the law:
* Provides full retail privileges for a brewery, winery, manufacturer or rectifier – provided it has produced 1,500 liters of "intoxicating liquor" in one of the
WSWA Challenges Sovos Finding 87% Back DtC Spirits Laws
Saying Sovos ShipCompliant "handpicked data" in a recent report to show that direct shipping legislation enjoyed broad support among consumers, Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America said that Sovos' claim that “87% of regular craft spirits drinkers say they want to be able to legally purchase craft
Drop-Shippers Need Virginia License for Each Shipping Location
Drop shipping just took a body blow in Virginia. Drop shipping is a practice where a business sells a product it does not carry in stock but rather contracts with another firm to actually box and ship the order to customers.
In a case involving California-based VinoShipper, the court agreed
Pheasant Court Winery Sues Iowa on Shipping Laws
Pheasant Court Winery, Philomath, Ore., sued the State of Iowa, saying a law that allows in-state wineries to sell directly to restaurants and liquor stores but requires out-of-state wineries to use a distributor is unconstitutional.
"The prohibition against self-distribution by out-of-state wine producers discriminates against out-of-state entities, protects the