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Sparkling Wine’s Share Growth Continues in US On Premise

Over the past year, White Sparkling wine accounts for the largest share of total sparkling wine category (84.4%) and experienced a positive value trend in growth vs. a year ago, according to CGA's On Premise Measurement data. While Pink varietals of sparkling wine have seen a decline

Joel Whitaker profile image
by Joel Whitaker

Over the past year, White Sparkling wine accounts for the largest share of total sparkling wine category (84.4%) and experienced a positive value trend in growth vs. a year ago, according to CGA's On Premise Measurement data.

While Pink varietals of sparkling wine have seen a decline in value growth (-4.8%) over the same period, it remains the second biggest shareholder of total sparkling wine category (12.2%).

Assorted and Red sparkling wine also experienced growth in terms of value (+28.7%) over the latest period, while holding a much smaller share of the total sparkling wine category, meaning it should be a focus for wine suppliers and venues across the US On Premise.

Within Still wine, Assorted & Red varietals are seeing positive results here, with the best performing growth in terms of value (+1.7%), White and Pink varietals sit negatively against this within the same period.

Share of Total Sparkling Wine

Sparkling wines from France, (29%) Italy (20%) and Spain (6%) make up the largest share of the total sparkling category, suggesting that Champagne, Prosecco and Cava are driving sales in the US On Premise. The remaining 44% of the category is held by wines originating within the US.

Wines from Italy within the sparkling category have experienced notable sales percentage growth in terms of value (+11.5%), over the rolling 52-week period. This is followed by France, with +5.9% growth.

A Census Region View of Total Sparkling Share

The Pacific (23.8%) and South Atlantic (21.2%) coastal regions have the largest share of total sparkling wine (9L EQ) across the U.S., while other/ central regions including Mountain (8.2%), West North Central (3.7%) and East South Central (3.4%) hold less than half of the former’s share of sparkling wine.

Focusing distribution within the Pacific and South Atlantic regions will be essential to driving volume of brands.

Matthew Crompton, Regional Director – North America, said: “There is significant differences in the share held of sparkling wine across the regions of the US On Premise. CGA’s OPM data can help pinpoint shifts over time to give a view of how the category is evolving on a quarterly or annual basis. This is so important for wine producers and suppliers to understand, identify competitive markets, and leverage headroom opportunities that arise in the market to drive consumption and recruit new drinkers.”

Joel Whitaker profile image
by Joel Whitaker

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