What We're Reading --

Discussing The Pros/Cons Of Creating A 100% Estate Bottled Wine With The CEO Of Three Sticks

William "Bill" Price III, former co-founder of TPG private investment group turned winery owner, tells Liz Thatch “farming control in the vineyard is going to become increasingly important as consumers want more information.” This includes information on how the land and workers are treated, as well as any non-organic additives that may be used in farming, such as pesticides, herbicides and the like. (Forbes)

Wine, etc.: Led by Maryland’s youngest winemaker, Loew Vineyards in Mount Airy delivers affordable quality wines | COMMENTARY

Rachel Lipman understands challenges. The sole full-time employee of Loew Vineyards, a smallish 2,600-case winery in Mount Airy, is the youngest winemaker in Maryland at age 30. She recently assumed the helm of the business after the death of 96-year-old William Loew, her grandfather, vineyard founder and Polish Holocaust survivor. (Capital Gazette)

Eco-Friendly Wine Packaging is Good for the Environment… and for Business

Researchers from Brown University and the University of Toulouse in France have explained why bubbles in Champagne fizz up in a straight line while bubbles in other carbonated drinks, like beer or soda, don’t. The findings not only explain what gives Champagne its line of bubbles but may hold important implications for understanding bubbly flows in the field of fluid mechanics. (Dimensional Insight)

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